Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm Back!

To all poetry and fiction lovers...
I'm back!
Thank you (for those lucky few of you who have checked back every now and again) for waiting! I'm proud to announce that starting this next week, I will be rolling out fresh poems and short stories every Tuesday evening for your reading pleasure.
The content schedule will go like this: to kick off each month, I'll post a short story on the first Tuesday of the month, with poems on each consecutive Tuesday following. I'll try my best to keep this up until March, when my schedule gets a little more hectic, but until then, enjoy!

Read now and often,

Image Source:
"Keep Calm and I'M BACK ! Poster." Keep Calm and I'M BACK ! Poster. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2013.



  1. Chandler, I'm glad to see you are writing again. Thank you for sharing your poems and prose writings. I am especially happy that you are posting on the blog again because just when I had discovered it, you announced your hiatus.
    I happened upon your blog from somewhere on the internet and your poetry resonated with me. I also write, but perhaps not as prolifically. I look forward to your posts!

    1. Thanks Christina! And if you ever want me to read one of your works, feel free to shoot me a link or an email or something.
